Any advice about Money safety?

Carrying money on vacation is a balancing act between safety and utility. Making money difficult to access deters thieves, but when it comes time to pay for something, you still want to be able to get to it without stripping off clothes or playing hide-and-seek with a bag's hidden pockets. With that in mind, here are 10 tips for carrying money safely and elegantly when you travel.

Divide money in different places
Even if you disregard all other advice about carrying money, take this tip to heart: Whenever possible, divvy up your travel cash and even credit cards into multiple safe spots. If you've got all your money in one place, it only takes one time for a thief to totally wipe you out.
Favor on-body storage
Under-clothing storage accessories have come a long way since neck pouches and money belts came onto the scene. Though those classics are still in favor, newer options include bra stashes, as well as long johns, underwear, and undershirts with built-in pockets for safe storage. Note that on-body storage isn't a good wallet alternative, since fishing around under your clothes for money advertises where you're hiding the goods.
Keep small bills handy
Changing or withdrawing large amounts of money minimizes the fees you'll pay to get local currency, but it also means you'll be traveling with far more cash - and larger bills - than you'd have on you at home. We've already talked about the virtues of dividing your money, but it's also wise to make smaller denominations of currency easily accessible. That way, you won't pull out the local equivalent of a $100-dollar bill while attempting to buy a 30-cent souvenir.
Carry an anti-theft bag
If garbage-bag commercials have taught us anything, it's that some bags are tougher than others. The same goes for travel purses, backpacks, and bags - some, designed specifically for travel, have features such as cut-proof, steel-cable-reinforced shoulder straps; slash-proof fabric; and locking zippers. Since elements like these slow down thieves, they can do a decent job deterring opportunistic pickpockets.
Trim your wallet
Are you going to need your library card when you're 6,000 miles from your local branch? Probably not. Before you leave, take the time to go through your wallet and take out everything except the necessities (a universal credit card and a backup, an identification card, an insurance card, etc.). Not only will it help you travel lighter, but if your wallet does get lost or stolen, you'll have less to replace.
Use a dummy wallet
If you're traveling in a place known for pick-pocketing’s or muggings, consider getting a cheap wallet that looks just real enough to keep in your pocket or bag. Pad the wallet with some small bills and make it look more real by slipping in one or two of those sample credit cards you get with offers in the mail. A dummy wallet can stop pickpockets before they get to your real wallet.
Buy a travel wallet
In addition to a dummy version, you might also consider a wallet that you reserve specifically for travel. There's one simple reason for this: If you're the type of person whose day-to-day wallet is packed with cards - gym memberships, pre-paid coffee cards, frequent-buyer punch cards, and the like - the pockets are likely to be stretched out when you minimize the contents for travel. By having a travel-only wallet, your cards will have snug pockets that they can't slip out of accidentally.
Adapt to the local money culture
Being prepared to pay your way on vacation means different things depending on where you are. In a cash economy, you'll need to make sure to have a variety of bills and coins on hand at all times, but your credit cards will likely just collect dust. However, in much of Europe and parts of Asia, where automation is common and chip-and-PIN credit-card technology is standard, having a compatible credit card will come in very handy, especially if you find yourself at an unattended gas station late at night or a train station after-hours. Also keep in mind that in some countries, U.S. dollars are an official or unofficial secondary currency, so it's wise to keep a few greenbacks at the ready.

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