Volunteer Teacher Resources - Intro

Volunteering in schools and working with young children can be challenging and because of this it's wise that volunteers to go into these positions with their eyes wide open and ready for anything. That said, the rewards are tremendous and will make for an outstanding and life changing experience. Many of the children will want to learn even though they live and learn in very difficult circumstances, their lives and yours will be enriched by the experience and you will soon understand the saying that a “little goes a long way”. They will enjoy the excitement that a new visitor brings and be thrilled with the chance to explore the possibilities that a wider view of the world brings.

It is good to be prepared because for many volunteers this will be a very new experience and having some strategies and ideas prepared before you find yourself with 30 children of mixed ages and abilities will make for a much more enjoyable experience.
In most cases volunteers will initially assist in classrooms acting as a teacher’s aide or supervising free time and games. It is likely that during the first few days the teacher you are working with will help ease you into your role making sure that you are comfortable with what you are being asked to do. Having some games up your sleeve will be a huge help as you settle into your new environment. You may find the following websites helpful for preparing:

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